Communications Masterclass

Introduce the best of behavioural psychology and neuropsychology to develop effective plans for communications.

Communication is an important leadership skill. This module highlights the value of communicating change and bringing ideas to life. In this behavioural economics inspired masterclass, we explore the nuances involved in what it takes to connect and move people towards meaningful change.
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Course Overview

 Learning Format: Self-paced

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 The program is designed for:

Individuals looking to upgrade their business skills

Individuals looking to advance and get ahead in their career

Business Owners, Executives, and Managers

Marketing and Sales Teams

Team Leaders

The Communications Masterclass distills the very best of behavioural psychology, behavioural science, and neuropsychology into an actionable and effective toolkit for you to employ when interacting with clients, potential clients, and teams.

Bridging together knowledge and application, the framework is designed to unlock effective communication by providing a fresh view into the science behind human decision-making, thinking processes, and the drivers affecting behaviours. This module is a deep dive into the following concepts:

 The Communication Challenge
 The Communications Rocket

Practical application of theory
Frameworks | Case Studies
Presentations | Videos
Assignments | Quizzes 

Learning Outcomes

Define different thinking processes, and learn how they affect communication.

Develop frameworks to address any communication situation.

Crystallise your customers' needs.

Improve your communication effectiveness.

The Program Will Benefit You By

  • Achieving better cut-through communications
  • Assisting customers to see the value in your offering
  • Developing your team to deliver powerful communications

Some Of Our Clients Who Have Benefitted

I was recently introduced to Ashton and Step Change through my TEC group. 3 hours with
Ashton was enough to engage with him and
his team to completely change the way we
approach the way that we conduct business,
our mindset and how we value our time and
business. The 4 days that we have spent with
the Step Change team since will have
positive ramifications on our business for
years to come. A true "Stepchange" is afoot.
Cannot reccomend highly enough.

Andrew Stones

I'm a CEO coach and mentor. In that capacity
I suggest a lot of professional service
providers to my clients and group members.
Every time I make a recommendation my
reputation's on the line! And my reputation IS
my business! So for strategy and marketing
I'm been recommending Step Change for the
best part of a decade. They've not only never
let me down, they've made the people I've
recommended look good and that makes me
look good. That's a win/win/win if ever I've
seen one

Jerry Kleeman

It's so hard to keep up with the pace of
change on the market - thank God for
StepChange - their sessions are
always engaging, always great
formative .. you can walk away with
great tools to implement in your
business straight away. The game
changer I am sure is in engaging them
as your partner!

Christiene Thompson